Tilda Publishing
Our advantages
Some facts about how we work:
Experience over 12 years
We started in 2010 and are growing all the time. The company has 4 offices: in Arkhangelsk, Belgorod, Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Over 200 projects
Completed projects from 2010 to 2022.

Major clients

Our clients are large companies that occupy a leading position in the Russian market and have high security requirements.
42 Certificates 1C
Our qualified specialists provide fast and high-quality technical support to all their customers. We employ only full-time specialists.
Ensuring safe working methods, transparency of business management and comfortable working conditions for the MERASOFT team Checklist.
MERASOFT Checklist is a reliable partner and supplier of quality software. It is confirmed by 200+ companies.
Checklists help reduce the consumption of paper products,
thus, MERASOFT reduces the damage caused to the environment from cutting down trees.
For MERASOFT, the Social Responsibility Checklist is conscientious relations with partners, assistance in preserving the environment and the internal health of the team.
All team members work together on all projects. We have assembled a friendly team of certified full-time specialists.
Alexey Krupenkov
Sergey Larionov
Head of support department
Tatiana Malinovskaya
Head of Information and Analytical Department
Vasily Karlin
Lead Developer
Viktor Veselkov
Analyst Consultant
Irina Botnar
Technical Support Specialist
Maxim Starovoitov
Ekaterina Aristova
Marketing Specialist
Последние новости
Мы в СМИ
The owner and the developer of the products under "MERASOFT®" trademark is "Optimal algorithms" LLC. The company was established in 2010 and acts as the official partner of "1C" company and "Bitrix24".
The main profile of the company is development, implementation and support of information systems based on "1C" company’s software products.

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